Character - Kedana
From - The Order's Experiments
At first glance, as a plot tool, Kedana is a symbolic character for the development of Fallen. After Kyra first instigates Fallen's change towards being more human, Kedana is able to continue Kyra's work to help Fallen regain his humanity, such as calling him Sorric rather than Fallen. She is symbolic of all the good of his past, so in accepting her he starts to make peace with what he lost. However outside of Fallen she is still her own person. She's academic, a day dreamer, spiritual, humble, self composed and learnt piano from her family. She admired Fallen's mother and became an adopted member of the cultural Fallen family through being tattooed and taught as a child by Sorrally. Through this she is also able to continue the culture of the Fallen family, making her even more necessary to Sorric Fallen's development. She also acts as the 'normal' influence, she has an understanding of the outside world, while, like most teenagers, feels separated from it and akward. She uses Sanctuary to over come these feelings of alienation.
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