Monday, November 25, 2013

Words and Feminism

I found this on Facebook and thought it a perfect example of the power of words and their influence in our culture.
Enjoy -
Joss Whedon - Feminism

Friday, November 22, 2013

Creative writing group


I'm thinking of starting a creative writing group in Gawler for teenagers and young adults. So I'm putting it out there, what sort of things would you like to see in a writers group? What days are best over the summer holidays? And any other ideas you think might work.


Sunday, November 10, 2013

More Graphology

Okay - know it's been a while, but to make up for it I've done a little more research on Graphology.
I've learnt a few things, one being that if someone's writing gets smaller as they write it is a sign of intelligence as they are able to become more focused and concentrate harder the longer they write.
  • angular writing is a a sign of aggressiveness
  • people with larger handwriting are often more outgoing
  • starting a words with a larger letter indicates tact
  • long upper strokes indicates imagination e.g.-

Note these facts were taken from online previews of boodle books - 

What Handwriting Indicates: An Analytical Graphology By John Rexford and Graphology  By Ruth Gardner