Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Personal Post

Its been a fun week for me this week. Back at school, and trying to get good grades in year twelve while fighting a Science Fiction addiction and keep writing. Currently I am working on turning my novella, Space Bird into a full length novel. So right now my head is filled with tall white snowy creatures, flying whales and the challenge of trying to achieve the perfect masculine-feminine balance in a proud alien hermaphrodite (some sneaky advertising there).
The problem (or benefit) is that my stories keep bleeding into whatever shows I'm currently watching or books I'm currently reading until they become a strange, elaborate fan fiction. I won't go into details, but the truth is it has helped me develop further interest in my own stories, understand my own characters and come up with new ideas by exercising my creativity this way. So in all it has been a very imaginative and enjoyable inside my head this week. Currently I am still trying to come up with a new name for the story, Space Bird isn't quite working for me - wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. (really belated but still applies!) good luck!
    I have to say Space Bird is a fascinating title but does sound more fitting for a short story rather than a novel.
